
Full Version: Phone bill past due
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Hello. Thank you for taking the time to view this. That really does mean a lot to me. I'm not one to ask for things, but I think the climate of the world right now has us all doing things we aren't the most comfortable with. I've been out of a job for a few months now, and that stimulus doesn't go far. I'm kicking myself in the ass for not signing up for unemployment, but I really didn't want to take away from those that need it more. Now I'm realizing that maybe I've been a little hard on myself. Right now, I'm struggling to pay my phone bill. It's crucial for me to have not only so I can get ahold of family, but because I do Instacart to get by. If that wasn't the icing on the cake, my phone has decided to take a tumble for the worst, as now it is being fussy with chargers, and must be kept hooked up. Without my phone I can't make any money. I sat down to do my taxes today, to earn a bit of coin after finally convincing myself it was worth the bit of change I would get back. I figured I would have my return in a few days and I could handle my bill and maybe purchase a new phone. I do verizon prepaid, and they have some reasonably priced devices that I could definitely get by on.  Well, now I'm locked out of my email address that held one of my W2's. I can get back in, with my phone number. But, my phone has been out of servive for a couple days. I've been in tears all morning wondering what I'm going to do for money. Everyone I know around me is struggling, as I'm sure a lot of you are. But if you have any change to spare, it would mean the world to me. My bill usually rounds to about $45 including taxes and fees. Any little bit that can be spared will help me out so much. Please... And thank you for reading this far.