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Money for School
Hi, my name is Erin!!
I've never really done something like this before so Im never really sure how to go about doing this. But, Im here to ask for money to help towards my international student fees. Im a Canadian citizen but Im attending school in the UK. There have been some financial issues that have arisen that have changed my situation for being able to afford tuition (international student fees SUCK). Tuition is about $35-40'000 a year, plus living expenses. 
And, look, I completely understand that there are people on here asking for money because they are in incredibly dire situations and need help. And I'm asking for money to be an international student. I understand that. 
But, living the UK for school has been a dream of mine and its a dream that I thought could be a reality, but the financial situation of both myself and my family has changed in the last month, and the dream is now slipping out of reach. 
I would like to this that I dont have to give up the dream just yet. Of course I'm continuing to work (part time, right now, and full time when Im not in school). But, I do need outside help and so, Im reaching out to the kindness of strangers to see if anyone might be able to help make this dream closer to being a reality. 
Any amount is deeply appreciated. Thanks for at least reading this far. ♡

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