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Hi, I am a high school student in an extremely abusive household. I have spent 15 years walking around eggshells in this house afraid of when I might upset my parents or my siblings and be harmed, physically and mentally. All this time, the only thing that had me going was the hope that upon saving enough, I can get a good college and get away from my home. But, my father snooped on my savings and spent it all on drinking, shattering all my hope for any kind of future. I do not think that if I am able to join a college, I will be able to make it alive till the end of the year. I'm in dire need of $1200 for basic college tests and application fees. 
I am also still working for money, 3 shifts but the deadlines are too close and I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, so please....please help me however much you can.
My PayPal is:

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