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You ever been so scared you couldn't pay for
Something that you would do almost anything to just have a little help? 
My 5 month old son Lennox was born 5.5 weeks early. He was born with only one kidney. Which in itself isn't so bad but they found out that his bladder is refluxing urine into that one kidney. If he gets an infection from that he can lose that kidney and he doesn't have "spare parts" the cost of the medication to try and prevent an infection is outrageous but I was managing. Then he got sick, I took him to the hospital where they did blood and urine cultures his blood cultures came back positive for bacteria. I had to quit my job as a mental health tech (which I love love love) to care for him and take him to doctor after doctor. Any help to get us by in this hard time would be heart warming and appreciated. I will pay if forward as soon as I get back to work. Thank you if you took time to at least read my plea and thank you if you find it in your heart to help.  Heart$jammiejoe

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