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I'm at breaking point
Hi everyone, I never thought I'd find myself doing this, thought I had it all together and everything would be okay but it's not.
I'm 23 years old, living in a tiny flat with my 5 month old son and we have nothing, no friends or family and no support.
Month after month I'm trying to make sure my son has everything he needs but the bills are getting on top of me, the rent has gone up and I'm now in debt.
My clothes have holes in and I have to wear the same thing every day, people look at me like I'm rubbish. My mouth is so infected but I can't even afford the prescription for antibiotics.
I will make life better for us and things will work out, I just need some help getting started.
I'm currently in debt for just over £1000, this may seem like a small amount for some but I'm so close to having the door broken down by debt collectors.

Thank you for reading if you got this far. I have tears in my eyes writing this because I'm so embarrassed that it has gone this far but I promise if anyone can help us it will be for a good cause, I will turn our life around and do something positive. If anyone can help, no matter how big or small I will pay it forward when I'm back on my feet. I know how soul destroying it is to be in this position.

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