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Disabled Veteran (Finally Back To Work)
       My name is Michael I am a disabled veteran. My wife is a Veteran also. We have two children 21 and 19. I had a good paying job for 10 years with a large company from June 2007 until July 2017. On July 30 2017 the company came in with no warning and laid off 5600 people and shut the project we were working on down. The company has since claimed bankruptcy. I struggled for 17 months trying to find a job with no luck until October 2018. We used what little savings we had and borrowed small amounts of money from friends and family members which is defeating the purpose since i am struggling to pay them back. I have been making T-shirts on the side to make extra money and driving for uber and lift. My son had to stop going to college and come home to work to try and help. We also were no longer able to pay for his tuition. You would think that we would be able to receive financial aid for his college but because they go off of your taxes from 2 years ago we do not qualify.  We constantly stay around 3000 dollars behind on bills and I have no one else to borrow from. Working full time and doing small side jobs are wearing on my Disability. I do not Know how much longer I can take the extra work but will continue until I am physically and mentally not able to. I can handle my full time job just fine but the side work is wearing on me. We need a miracle of about 6000 dollars to get our bills caught up and friends and family paid back. to a manageable level based of me working full time only. We are also in jeopardy of losing our main means of transportation to get us all to work if I do not catch the car payment up. Our home of 15 years stays behind constantly as well. I will continue to do what it takes to get us back on our feet. I pray that this post touch someone’s heart to donate. If you do find it in your heart to donate and donate 30 dollars or more I will send you a t-shirt. I have posted the t-shirt to this post. You can send me your address in the comments section of your donation along with the shirt size you would like or your phone number if it would make you feel more comfortable to verify me. Thank you for your time and I wish you and yours a BLESSED LIFE!!! The Paypal link Will Say We have spirit this is the business account I use for our tshirt business. Thank You

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