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I like many others find myself in the challenging position of having to ask for financial assistance. 
A year and a half ago due to COVID I lost my job for a few months and hustled between jobs that required help during this time. I have previously helped coworkers and friends who also needed help but have now recognised that my actions have put me in a compromising position. Our state has now gone into a lockdown again however this time around I live on my own. Due to no longer living with an abusive ex and only just scraping by I am not left with no option but to rely on the kindness of strangers for help. I have mentioned my situation to the landlord but I am very aware that there are hundreds in the same position also looking for a way out. 

I'm not looking for a crazy amount, and every bit really goes the longest of ways. So thank you, for taking the time out of your day to merely read this. 

If you decide to lend a helping hand my link is

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