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Need help to change my life
Hello to you reading this and thank you for taking your time reading through my request. I'm a 28 year old man who, ten years ago, was fortunate enough to be able to attend college and graduate. This took a lot of effort from my parents who, even though didn't have the monetary capacity to totally support it, never let anything stop them from fulfilling my goal. As I finish college, it was my brother's turn to go to college and, again, they've been able to support it all. Even though nothing missed on our side, they were getting in debt so that they could afford us to pursue a better life and career than the one they got.
For the last five years, I've made the most I could to help them back and support them paying their debts as a thank you for everything they've done for me during my entire lifetime. Unfortunately, I've reached a point where I am unable to help them anymore and, at the same time, I've ended up without any savings on my bank account as I've always thought of helping them first before thinking about saving for my future.
I'm not here asking you to pay my parents' debts, but rather asking you for help to change my life and start reconstructing it from zero. I'm looking for some support to be able to get some savings and not have to live from paycheck to paycheck. Right now, I only have $500 on my bank account, with my next paycheck only being paid on the 31st of March, more than a month from now.
So, if you are able to and would like to help, every single dollar would make a difference in my life right now. All I can promise you in exchange is that, if someday, you are the one in need and I can help you, I will for sure be there for you. And if I'm able to turn my life around, I'll make sure to pay back all the money I may end up getting here. Also, if you ever come to Portugal, count me as your guide Smile
For the post image, I'm letting you with my buddy Pluto, a loyal dog who has been my emotional support through these hard times.
Again, thank you very much for reading through this and I'll appreciate it a lot if you are able to help me Smile

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