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First of all I want to thank every single one of you who stopped and will be reading this.
I am a 25+ year old guy living with my family. The last two years were desperate for us and it is only going to get worse. Before covid, I have had allready mental issues. Have been several times to psychologist, psychiatrist, even priest at the Church, and to be honest it helped, but then came covid and all the restrictions, and I just got depressed again, started drinking, experimenting with drugs. What a mess I was.

This year I got fixed up in my head, not completely, but I am working on it every day. I am currently employed, and I also have a side job working as a delivery man. I am just trying everything to get us back on our feet and maybe even start a business one day. But the mark that the past has left is just too big, and with the new bills, cost of living, gas prices, old loans that come each month, we just can't advance, Even if I had 4 jobs, we wouldn't make it.

I have also made my RB acc and tried to start selling there. I know that the design is not perfect, but like I said, I am desperate and want to earn and work and will never quit.

Please, if there is anybody out there reading these, help me to get my family and myself back to our feet and to a brighter future.

You can donate via paypalme here .
Thank you,wish you and your family all the best,

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