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Help My Cats and I Get Back on Track
I am an almost 60-year-old woman who was laid off from my job in late Aug 2022.  I have applied to over 200 jobs but only interviewed at about 50 jobs since Sept of 2022 with unfortunately no job offers.  In fact, it's gone quiet and both May and June resulted in not even one interview.  I haven't ever seen the job market this bad even in during the dot com crash.  I have done various temporary jobs and gigs and between my unemployment benefits, selling my car (which was a very stupid thing to do) along with these temp jobs has helped me pay my rent. Unfortunately, my unemployment ran out at the beginning of April and so I was only able to pay $1400 for rent.  Landlord filed for an unlawful detainer and because of being coerced into settling, I am going to be evicted on July 15th.  I am trying to find a new place to live but with my poor credit and an extremely tight rental market, I have yet to find a place to move to. I have reached out to several local services for no to low income but they move at a snail's pace.  By the time they respond to a request for help, you are about to be thrown out of your current rental.  I need a job to be able to rent a place but no rental will rent to me without good credit or a co-signer.  I have no family that is willing or able to help.  Parents are 80/90 years and unwilling to help and my sibling cannot help due to being retired. I have applied at grocery stores such as Trader Joes, Costco along with applying to the US Postal Service for a job.  I have reached out and registered with a variety of temporary agencies but have yet to receive a request to interview for a job.  I am at my wit's end here.  I have two cats with one whose health is declining.  He is almost 18 and has lost so much weight.  I need to get him to the vet but I don't have any money to pay for all the tests and treatments.  He is my therapy cat and has helped me when I have been depressed.  I suffer from major depression and without my two cats, I don't think I would be able to keep living.  Life really sucks right now and it is through my own poor choices/decisions along with a crazy economy that has made almost impossible to get a job and somehow improve my life.  If someone can help me with providing donation amounts of $2300 first month's rent, $2300 security deposit, $1500 for my cat to visit the vet, $3500-5500 to buy a used car and possibly an additional $3500 to pay off a credit card and household expenses, I would be eternally grateful and your Karma bank would be full.  Any little bit will help put me get my life back on track.  Thank you.  Heart Smile

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