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Emergency Help Need Place To Sleep
Hello everyone, I'm a young single parent of 2 and I'm in desperate need of some help. We are currently homeless and have no one to help. I have been to DSS they tried to send me and my children to a homeless shelter in a city 2 hours away. I have no vehicle so I have no way to even get there but the thing is the lady there accidentally informed me that once I go stay out there I would no longer be able to go through there dss I would have to go through the one in the city. She also through in at the end that I would no longer be there problem. Who even says that! So any who I've been every where I can go for help just to be denied. NY (which is the state we live in) claims to have all these resources that can help but in reality they do not! The ones that they do have tehy make it impossible for you to even be qualified for. You would think being homeless with 2 small children would be enough! I'm beyond lost on what to do or how some people can be so unkind but I'm hoping and praying to run into some kind ones on here! I'm really not asking for much. I hate the fact that I'm in this situations and have to be on here asking for help instead of being the one to help because that's just who I am. I help even when I barely have the means. So I guess what I'm asking for is a couple nights at a hotel so I can have something stable for a few nights and focus on the next step instead of the constant worry about where were going to sleep every night making it so I cant focus on anything else. Thank you for taking the time to even read this or anyone that does help! If you do decide to help my cash tag is $DiditOnem96 and please be sure to leave me your email or name and phone number so when I do get back on my feet I can send you a proper Thank you and let you know just how much we appreciate the help!

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