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I am in needofg assistance. My family and I are struggling to get by.
Hello all, I hope you are doing well. I am in a bit of a financial conundrum. I am 28, but am mentally and physically disabled, and am not yet receiving financial benefits. I was legally an adult dependent, and my father got a small amount of money per month for my needs, but he has passed away and I am now living with my sister and her kids. This is a five person household, and resources are stretched very thin. We often run out of food before the end of the month, and sometimes cannot reach the deadline for bills. I also only own three outfits. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I often feel useless because of my problems getting in the way of normal life, and I just want to help us get by a bit easier. If anyone can sympathize and be kind enough to help, this is my donation link.

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