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is this what we are all here for?  i have not had any payments sent to my paypal.  this is just a start. i know. th epoint of money is to save. the feeling you have when you have money is calm. the other is a hatrid. that is also a illness. 

ok so here is the latest on my life. i am now disabled.  a recent snake bite from a rattle snake. left my left hand 3/4 parallized. my middle finger is usless. it is actually parallized. i get severe pain when i bend my finger. this is no good! this leaves me with out a way to work or other. get work.  I at this time have to start over! meaning. ith my life. ideas other.  here is an example today i was helping my dad. dig. i hit my middle fingle twice pretty close in time part. i got sick! looks like my health and the pain. connected to me has totaly crippled my aspect of health. ive got to take things slow slow on everything.  thats why my idea. of maybe lets talk. lots of you private. and lets see if i can you get you to regulay donate to me. . what else am i going to do.    my email directly. we can start of there or if you want to give me a balloon payment feel free!