
Full Version: Help after hospitalization
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I'm an autistic indigenous person, looking for help with my rent. I was justreleased from inpatient treatment for my mental health, and since have not been able to work. I'm struggling to get my rent paid for this past month. I'm about $575 behind in rent and have about $75 left in my pocket to offer my landlords before the 15th. I have been applying for everything I can (I have gotten ebt and an honorary citizens bus pass) and have applied for short term rental assistance, but since I do not have children I'm not a priority for those organizations (understandable)

If there are any folks out there willing to help me chip away at this, every bit helps and adds up. 

If I cant get this paid I'm afraid I'll be on the streets and will lose my cat who I love more than anything. 

Much love~ Myra

[Image: 31bfaee1-6aad-4dc8-9136-3ba574a59255_update_profile.jpg]Update:
Hey everyone. I've been looking for a job I can handle with my outpatient therapy but it is slow going. 
I only have 5 more days to come up with rent. If anyone can spare even a dollar or two please help. Once I get this paid I will finally have a leg to stand on.
I'm scared to death I'm going to be on the streets again and lose my darling kitty that is the light of my life. 
If anyone can please please do what you can by helping or sharing the word about my predicament.

Collapse update