
Full Version: Mysterious Car Accident
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My birthday is in mid July. I was an Uber driver barely making ends meet. Then on my birthday in the middle of the day, I had just finished a 5:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. shift, I was on my way to put gas in my car and then to start celebrating my birthday by going to see a movie.

When I came to, my car was totaled, by airbags had deployed, and I had a big bump on my forehead. I have no idea what happened. To this day, no one has been able to give me a reasonable or rational explanation as to how I found myself in that situation.


So now I find myself jobless and without a car. I do odd jobs here and there for people and I am constantly filling out applications for work, but, it seems, to no avail. I have not been able to procure any sort of decent employment (which is why I was an Uber driver in the first place).

I have arthritis in my left knee and it is difficult for me to walk for long periods of time, but if I need to get somewhere nowadays, even if I take the bus, I have to walk quite a ways to get to the bus stop. It is very taxing on my body and I'm feeling like life is really beating me up.

I'm a positive person...I'm trying to look on the bright side of things, but I am in the worst place that I have ever been in my life right now and I fear it might be taking it's toll.

~ I am behind on my rent - my landlord is trying to be understanding, in fact, he is being more understanding than I am about the rent, but I can't put him off forever.

~ I would like to have a car again, but even if I did right now, I wouldn't be able to afford the insurance or gas or, etc. So I am looking to get a scooter or moped - I know they take insurance and gas, too, but not like a car. And they are about a 20th of the price of a car.

~ I am about $10,000 in debt now with a credit card and other situations (this computer, personal loans, payday loans, etc.)...and getting deeper.

~ I have had to rely on the kindness of strangers...and I am hoping that if you are reading this, that that might be you.

No matter what happens, I will strive to continue to be positive and grateful for the things I DO have!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
