
Full Version: Desperate
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Hi my name is Claire, I’m gonna briefly explain why I’m here asking for help from people I don’t even know. I have 4 children but only 3 lived with me as eldest had left home and was living in her own flat and was working. My second child turned 16 a year ago and left school last summer without the grades he needed for college so is currently looking for work but not much in our town and limited transport to look further afield. Anyway my benefit money dropped by almost half as he was now 16 so that was a very big drop as just about managed on what I was getting. My eldest lost her job when she started drinking after something not very nice happened to her at a party, and continued to lose the next two jobs after that then her flat aswell as getting herself into debt, she has OF twice and has been told after last one that her extensive drinking Ian causing irreversible liver failure. All that aside she’s moved back home with me and her siblings so it’s another mouth to feed which can’t  be helped and isn’t bad able to work atm until she gets help, it isn’t easy but I won’t turn my back on her. I have let bill start slide so I could buy food instead and I just can’t catch up, I’ve made Aden several arrangements for payment plans and each time something comes up and I get behind again which has continuously happened for me and now its debt collectors letters and I can’t cant seem out of this rut. I don’t work as im carer to two of my children, the youngest having autism he also has separation anxiety so I do not have any free time at all unless it’s when he finally sleeps as his sleep patterns are erratic as his mind doesn’t recognise when he isn’t tired which is exhausting. There have been lots of bad luck factors that have led to the position I am in and I’m here to ask for help. IF you have taken the time to read this then thank you and if you have any questions or would like me to explain further the plese ask.