
Full Version: I'm giving up.. PLEASE READ- URGENT
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I am a struggling college student, as well as a mother,  and over the Easter weekend was a victim in a scam in which I lost over $4000. In addition, I still owe tuition from this past semester and cannot afford to pay it off alone. I cannot get my grades or transcripts from this school until my fees are all paid, so transferring is not an option. I have a job, but it is a PRN, which is basically "on-call" or when I am needed, so I'm not making enough to live, much less pay off all of my debt. I am honestly lost and do not know what else to do now... I have no more options... Please... PM if you need more information. Anything you can give helps.. Thank you and God bless. And if you are reading this and need help as well I am praying for you....$AlyssaOlagbegi[url=$AlyssaOlagbegi][/url]