
Full Version: Want to Study Design
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My father has just retired and has little savings which will mostly go towards my sisters high school education. 
As it is right now I can't afford to go to university to study design, and I don't have enough materials to create a full portfolio. I have been using The Sims 4 by EA to design the architecture and interior of houses. 
I'd love to study design in university, but I need some money for the Sims Seasons Expansion Pack so that I can use as many unique objects as possible to design; It'll give me the ability to show versatility in seasonal/themed design. This would really help my application to be noticed! 
I also need money to get by given the loans I'll need to take to afford university. I only have a minimum wage job and I can't do much better due to my out-of-highschool lack of experience (Lived overseas couldn't work due to country's rules). 
Just a little help would mean the world to me! I only need around 150 dollars to get by right now. With the spare money I would be able to find the time to get a higher paying job whilst still having enough to eat and pay rent during the time I miss work at my current job (18$ an hour). 
Thank you so much! 
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