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To everyone reading this, thank you in advance for taking your time and reading.

I've never believed in asking for money or help from anyone because I have always felt that if you want something, you do the work and get rewarded.
My parents were always hard working and put my siblings and me through school. They both worked for 30+ years, and know the value of money.  They've shed blood, sweat and tears to make everything work. They've helped me with food, clothes, books and everything else a kid needs to get through in life. I can't say there is a moment in my life where they refused to help. I'm so thankful that they provided as much as they could while growing up. They gave up their enjoyment to see us be successful one day. 
Now they are retired and barely have any money for themselves. They both have a small pension that barely covers basic necessities like health insurance, home insurance, car insurance etc. Insurance companies keep increasing the price of medicine they desperately need and I see the hardship they're facing. I wish I can help. 

My dream is to become a doctor. My grandfather, grandmother and many members of my family were doctors. Helping and treating patients in India in poor villages was their main goal. They didn't do it for the money, they did it to make the lives of the people around them better. I wish to do the same. I would like to continue this tradition. Money is not my focus and never has been. I've learned money comes and goes, but when you help someone, the returns are much greater.

My loving parents, out of their kindness, is helping me get through medical school. Loans and Financial aid help so little with the rising costs of Medical Schools in the US.  They are giving me their pension money to help me get through school and although I appreciate it, I just can't take anymore. I want them to live the rest of their lives comfortably. I want them to finally be able to relax and enjoy the free time they have now. In the end, I would like to provide for them too but that goal is quite hard to achieve nowadays. I would like to somehow repay their generosity and unending will to give.

We live in a mediocre house with one car between all of us. My mom and dad babysits my nephew and nieces.  They drive 4 hours (back and forth) in a very soon to be, broken down 1989 Toyota Camry to see the kids when they're sick or for school recitals. They drop everything they're doing to go above and beyond to help family.  My mom always had dreams of owning a big house, a nice car and living a decent life in the US. My dad on the other hand, just wants to see his children be successful and independent. Unfortunately, they had to sacrifice their happiness for the comfort of their children. But nowadays, comfort is a dream that is not attainable just because of money.  One day, I wanted to make their dreams come true.  Both of them deserve so much more than what I can give.

I've been working 2 jobs, while studying and going to classes, just to make enough cash for food and bus passes. I give give them what I can and use what is left over for my expenses. Recently, I was let go from a job because they need someone who can work longer hours. I purchased a very cheap car to make commuting to work and school but my car was broken into and taken apart.  I had to sell the car for scraps. 

As this site is titled, FreeBeg, I don't wish to beg. I'm just wondering if anyone can help in anyway or how.  Not with just cash but kind words, advice, and motivation.  I believe if we give positivity we beget much more spiritually. Any type of assistance would help because Im at the end of my rope. I'm sad that I may disappoint my parents and myself if I have to quit studying medicine. There is so much I want to give, but being able to have the opportunity to give is the struggle. I would like to be that doctor that everyone can put their faith and trust in. 
Lesson to learn:
A parent's love for their child has no boundaries. Appreciate what they did for you, because they probably gave you all they could. 
I would like to thank you for taking your time in reading my story.