
Full Version: One Time Help With Rent (please dont just scroll through, please donate if possible)
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I am so desperate and anxiety riddled. I have never had to resort to this sort of thing before. I am a single mother of a 12 year old gilr and am currently on SSDI and I am looking for a gift/grant of 1,000 to cover my rent for January 2019 and my utilities. I have had several sleepless nights wondering how I'm going to reconcile my bank account (it got overdrawn and my January check got eaten up and I literally have ZERO dollars for my landlord at this very moment)Thus, I cannot make January's rent and/or get my bills paid. I am a single mom, collecting SSDI due to a back injury. If you are reading this, I know there's a gazillion other messages to weed through, but I am praying that there's a charitable soul out there that can help me prevent homelessness for me and my daughter. I would be so appreciative it cannot even be expressed properly