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Hi All,

To be honest Im not really sure how to start this. Coming on a site such as this has made me feel like I have hit rock bottom.

I have recently gone through a breakup where I had been left in a financial position of struggle, due to this I have been living on rock bottom and from pay check to pay check. Sadly putting me in a state of depression and anxiety.

I have been slowly making my way back to a stable position as I have recently moved into a more affordable place and better situation. This has been helping my mental state until as of this week, I have final payments in which I am unable to meet, I have applied for extensions which would mean I would be able to pay things off which is more than do able but have been denied. If I do not meet these payments I will have no electricity or Gas.

I would be more than happy and willing to arrange a payment plan with anyone who is able to assist as I do not expect anything for nothing.

PleaseĀ if you can assist in any way I would be so thankful