
Full Version: Down syndrome mama scared an alone.
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Hi, hello to anyone possibly reading. I'm Chloe, a 31 year old single mom of 3 who's youngest is only 3 months old and was prenatally diagnosed with down syndrome and another rare chromosome disorder. She also has a heart defect that means there's holes in the heart Chambers that will need open heart surgery to correct an repair. Sad Having very little coverage through insurance, I've been having to pay out of pocket for procedures an genetic testing. Which is very exspensive, an causing me to stress myself to a panic. Not to mention use every extra penny I come across just to barely survive, I'm low on food, I'm very short on funds, the bills are piling up an I'm losing confidence in my abilities to handle such things. Tonight I'm at my breaking point, the point of desperation. Which is why I'm here. I have 2$ to my name, two starving teenage boys, a tiny helpless little girl that needs all the care an love in the world. If you or anyone at all could offer generosity and help in any way. It would so greatly be appreciated. I'd be thankful for even just a dollar. Forever thankful an very willing to pay it forward. Thank you, even if it's just for taking the time to read this. From the bottom of my heart an soul .I thank you. 

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