
Full Version: Desperately Avoiding Eviction!
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Hi, My name is Alayna. I'm posting on this site because I'm in desperate need for help paying my rent and a few bills. I know there are a lot of people asking for help, and I feel like most of them are more deserving than myself. But I figure it doesn't hurt to ask, as I'm kind of at the end of my rope. So here's my story: 

I started doing freelance production work over two years ago and was making ends meet, barely. About a year ago I met a client that changed my life. He was working on a startup project and needed my help with research, proposal, etc. I've been working with him the past year as a freelancer, getting a small payment monthly. Just enough to get by in the interim. Once the startup was up and running, I was promised I would actually have a full time job at the company, with a steady salary and everything! My life seemed like it was going in the right direction.  

Key word, "Seemed".  

In February my 'boss' died unexpectedly of a stroke. One minute I felt like everything was figured out, the next minute I'm reeling about how to make rent at the end of the month. I hadn't been able to save up any money, and I struggled to pay as much of March 2019 rent as I could. Which, was not much at all. 

Throughout March I have been trying to find odds and ends jobs, and in all my free time I've been applying to part-time and full-time positions in pretty much any place I could find a posting. I haven't been able to pay full rent for March yet, and now I also owe April rent. And pretty soon, I'll have to pay May rent too. That is, unless my management kicks me out of my apartment, which they are threatening to do if I can't come up with the money for March, April AND May.  

I haven't been able to pay any bills, I had 2 extremely small limit credit cards, which are now maxed and on hold, my gas, electric and water are on delinquent and I have received a disconnect notice. I have one friend in the city, and they don't have much, but thankfully they got me a few groceries and food for my cat last month. Which I feel blessed for.  

I have gone to several interviews, and follow ups, and even done a few test projects and am hoping something comes through soon. I am a hard worker and I know I can get through this if I can find a way to pay all my rent and bills for March - May. I just need a little more time to get back on my feet. For rent I need to come up with $3622 by May. That doesn't include my gas/electric/water, but I am hoping I can find a small job in the next weeks that will help me pay for some of that. Perhaps wishful thinking but I'm not giving up! I don't have money for food at the moment, because anything I manage to make will be going to rent. But I figure what good is food if I don't have a place to live? I can't find another place without a job or any money, so I can't afford to get evicted.   

So here I am, on this site. Desperate for someone to help me out. Anything will help! At the least I'd like to thank you for even reading this far. 

(Just a note, my legal name is spelled Alana, which is what is on my paypal, I spell it differently for work purposes, which is a whole other story!)
