
Full Version: $300 or getting kicked out of home
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After this i'm thinking my family is very money dependent and petty, but I never once thought they would do this to me. I am expected to help pay bills regularly around the house. That's fine. I drop out of school to help them and fast forward now, a week after i'm unemployed my dad comes in, closes my door. "I don't know what you're going to do, but I need $300 by friday or I can't have you here." So that leaves me with basically three days left to figure this out. I'm going to sell my tv, which is the most valuable thing I have, but that won't leave me with enough of a cushion this week to pay him and to sustain myself until I can leave this place. I feel like my world is collapsing, but i'm keeping a strong mind. Any amount of help is appreciated. Thank you