
Full Version: Help an emigrant to start over
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I am a 31 year old girl, Venezuelan, graphic designer and emigrant, it is quite difficult to work being illegal, however I was doing it in a company for 3 months, after that time they simply fired me without even paying me, I can not complain since I'm being illegal, they can deport me, they took advantage of us since they know that we need the money to eat to help our families in our country, so they abuse of is and makes us work so many hours and for nothing, now  I have a debt between rent and food expenses of 1k but I would like to start my own business, making models for school and university projects, I need a laptop that runs the design and animation programs and materials to start at once, so if anyone wants to help me, please I will be very grateful.

I'm in a need so big for a while and no matter what I do nothing gets the way it supposed to be, so please help