
Full Version: Help With Mortgage
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Hello, I'm 35 year old female. In the last 6 months I have lost my mother to a drug overdose and lost my job of almost fifteen years. I wasn't close with my mother due to her lifestyle choices. My father raised me.
When I heard of my mother's passing my brother and sister looked to me for help. 
They struggle to pay their own bills. In order to pay for the funeral I had to use what I had in my savings, which wasn't much, and take out a loan for the difference. Then my company was bought out and some of the positions were eliminated. I applied to many jobs, had a couple of interviews with no success. I was living off of credit cards. Then all this started with COVID 19. I am two months behind on my mortgage. With all this going on my partner and I ended our relationship and he moved out which caused even more financial burden because he always helped pay half of the bills. I am ignoring other bills just to try and pay my mortgage. I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before I lose everything. I have a few solid friends in my life, not much family, but nobody that can help me financially. I have never been in this position. I've always been able to help others a little when in need. Typing this up is hard,but I am desperate. Thank you for reading and please anything will be greatly appreciated.
Marie is a fucking scammer, don't trust or contact them!!!!!!!!!!!