
Full Version: Fearing homelessness for my family
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My wife and I (both 25) are finding it very difficult to make ends meet right now. She is currently going to school while I work at a daycare and doordash after work to keep making money while she studies and does homework. We have a dog and she has two kids whom we have 50% of the time. We unfortunately are in a good amount of debt because we’ve needed credit cards to save us and now it’s come back to haunt us. Not to mention our rent for a two bedroom apartment is near $1000 a month and that’s hard enough without all of our other bills. Her parents help financially when they can but if we keep borrowing from them, they will never be able to retire and I feel absolutely terrible about it. I hate that I’m even on here literally begging for money. But I fear for my wife, my dog and step kids. I don’t want to hit complete rock bottom and not have a home. I don’t want my wife to not be able to see her kids. I wish I could support all of them but I just don’t make enough. My wife graduates in about 6 months so hopefully we won’t need help for much longer. Anything would be greatly appreciated because it is all out of the kindness of your heart. PayPal: