
Full Version: Totally Frivolous Ask.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am not looking to scam anyone, I was raised better than that. I was volunteering at a hospital 2 days a week for 3 years when COVID-19 Hit and volunteering was suspended. I used to help in the ER, the NICU and spiritual care. I used to do yoga three days a week but  major back surgery on September 30th put a stop to that for 16 weeks. I'm not down playing the tragic toll that COVID-19 has taken in this country but I'm just DEPRESSED. 
I simply want to go out shopping and buy a totally frivolous thing. I want to buy my first LOUIS VUITTON purse. Sort of my own reward for being in lockdown the last 11 months. Only problem is, I can't afford LOUIS VUITTON purse. So if you are looking to donate to a Worthy cause or a family in need, this is not the right place. But if you're looking to donate to a totally ridiculous ask, I'm asking!!  Smile