
Full Version: Desperate for some help and relief from the stress and heat
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In the last few months if it could go wrong for me it has. It start with my boyfriend who is mentally ill and refuses treatment because he's convinced he's perfectly fine. Most schizophrenic people are. In the. Over the last 6 months I've watched the man I love disappear. He talks to himself suffers delusions hears voices that tell him I'm bad Im a cheater and a liar I don't really love him. He stopped staying at home because the voices have him convinced of those awful things about me. Hes been in and out of jail for the last four months because he can't keep his court dates straight and keeps missing court. He's in jail again now with a bond of 1000 dollars that I have absolutely no way to pay. His mental state becomes worse each time he's in jail. I've tried to get him help but I can't make him and unless he's a danger to himself or others he can't be forced. I myself missed a court date due to his illness and spent two weeks in jail. While I was there the gentleman I was renting from allowed the other people there to have access to all my belongings and when I was realeasd I came home to absolutely nothing left and nowhere to live. I was staying in an RV in ma friend backyard til last thrusday when it was towed away by the city bc my friend had did not have legal plates on it. So my place to stay along with the few things I had manged to recover. I have PTSD from being badly abused by my ex husband and also suffer with BPD I have an aversion of people and have frequent panic attacks whe I'm unable to retreat to my own private space. A space I no longer have. My dog and I are currently staying on a couch that smells like cat pee in his very hot and dirty garage. I have no money and no one help me out. I would normally be ok in this situation because my best friend Jimmy would have my back..hewas my ride or die...but he died on the 21st of last month from a heart attack. Without my bf Zach an my best friend I'm lost and so heartbroken. I haven't hhad a shower or a real meal for days and it's so hot I've barely slept. I would be so grateful beyond word for help with a hotel room for a few nights . If anyone can help me please please help me