
Full Version: Help with staying afloat
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Hey everyone. I'm knew to this site and thought maybe I could get some help. My fiance and I moved away from our home town in hopes to have a better life as while we were living up north we both were fairly miserable as far as work life and mental health. I have been in recovery for 5 years now and had a brief lapse 2 years back. Since moving I haven't thought about using or going back to that lifestyle up until now. My fiance had a great job however she got a concussion from work and due to her being on medical marijunna for her health, her test came back positive for marijuanna. In order for her to still work at the place she would had to jump through tons of hoops and they waited a while before simply letting her go/she quit. She has been without a job for almost 2 months and just started her new job today. I am really struggling with my mental health due to not being able to afford bills and such with my income alone. I can barely get us back and forth to work, behind on board for the horses, car payments are late, etc. I have made sure that rent is covered but that's about it. If anyone is able to help me out to stay afloat and get ahead of this situation I would be forever greatful Heart 
My PP is