
Full Version: Very Desperate Rent Due
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I've hit rock bottom. My depression and anxiety at at their worst, I lost my grandmother who was like a mother to me, I lost my really good job back in January, I'm applying but can't find a job to afford my apartment, and I'm at a serious loss. Currently I started work back up again after applying for months, but it only gives me $14.2/hr with less than 20 hours a week and my rent is $750 a month. I've been applying to other jobs to either find a replacement or a second job, but I can't seem to have any luck. Right now I'm incredibly desperate for money that I've considered sex work despite knowing that it isn't for me, and I just don't know where to go from here. Financial aid won't kick in until early July, my paycheck only gave me $250 because of an overdraft fee I didn't know about, and my rent is due today. I just spent the last hour looking into bad credit loans, payday loans, and just applying for whatever cause I'm so scared to get kicked out. My family isn't really a good support system because most of them are my abusers, or they are just as poor as I am. My DMs are open if anyone has any helpful advice or want to help in any way.. I'm just very lost on what to do and I'm so scared. I'm also curious about being a sugar baby if anyone has any advice- I seem to only find scams.