
Full Version: Re-Entry Honesty
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Well, I was always taught that up front honesty gains more respect than misplaced truth. I have been in prison the last 3 years and I just got out to start over completely from scratch. I'm lucky enough to have a roof over my head but aside from the roof I don't have a whole lot. I know it's not very common for people to want to help someone like me. I can't say I don't understand why. I'd like to say however that I don't have much to lose, and I'm applying for everything available to me and applying at several jobs. While I was incarcerated I decided that I wanted to change my life. I kept to myself and took every opportunity to further my education. I acquired my HSED. Attended a technical college course in windows programs in hopes that maybe an education could push my past a little more out of the light. I was addicted to drugs for a very long time and I made more bad choices than I can ever say. However now I am sober, my mental health is in a really good place, and I have relationships with my two daughters that I didn't get to see for a long time. I enrolled in an online bachelors degree course in Graphic Design and I got an A on my first assignment! All those things are by far more incredible feelings than any other thing I could think of. I am so serious about wanting to succeed in a new life. I know if I just keep trying everything will eventually fall into place. But waking up knowing I have no money or clothes is really hard. I'm not at all the type of person who believes they deserve help. There was nobody physically hurt in my crimes, but I know I have hurt a lot of people emotionally and mentally throughout my addiction and I have always believed I deserve to suffer because of that. I just want to get on my feet. I don't know if I'll get a positive response to this or if people are going to judge me but at this point what do I have to lose? I'd appreciate gift cards for clothes and other things or money. Thanks for listening.
I admire your honesty. It takes a lot of courage to just ask for help, let alone post about why or your past like that. I struggled with addiction in my past. It's not easy, but a couple things that I do want to say though are:
1) We do recover!
2) Your past does not define who you are.
I hope you always remember that. Stay strong Smile

Also, you could check into your local salvation army. They help with clothes and things Smile