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Wow...this is awfully embarrassing and definitely not something I ever thought I would do. I've always prided myself on being a financially independent woman. I guess I should say that I used to now. A little over 3 years ago, my life was turned upside down and everything completely changed. I got a call from my grandma telling me that my grandpa had a horrible accident. He was 72 years old at the time he fell off the ladder. He could be extremely stubborn at times. Instead of asking for help, he went outside, without telling his wife or anyone, got up on a 12 ft. ladder, and started to clean the solar panels. His balance was already rocky just walking around on ground and so I'm sure it didn't take long for him to loose his balance and fall from the ladder onto the concrete head first. He ended up living about a month and a half until he passed away just after his 73rd birthday in the hospital. I should have mentioned before that my grandparents raised me ever since I was only 9 weeks old, so THEY ARE my mom and dad (or mom and papa is what I called them). A few weeks after my grandpa's unexpected accident, I made the difficult decision to quit my job and move back home to help out my grandma and to help manage and basically take over the home based family business. In 1977, my grandparents wanted to start a business, and so they bought multiple breeding Ragdoll cats from Ann Baker, the originator of the Ragdoll breed. She has since passed away, which means they have been breeding Ragdolls for literally longer than anyone in the world. I'm mentioning about the business because I want to make it clear that for many years, our breeding business has always been successful enough so that we can care for the animals needs, as well as pay all of our bills and other expenses. My grandpa always had been in better health than my grandma, and we all kinda assumed that she would pass before him. I'm sure that would have been the case if it weren't for this tragic unexpected accident that resulted  in my grandpa passing. We were all surprised after he died to find out just how much stuff he took care of on his own. He was responsible for and managed literally everything when it came to the business, he payed all the bills, kept track of the bank account activity daily, and did the taxes as well as anything else important like that. I was unaware of all this until about a week ago. My grandma finally sat me down last week and admitted that we were behind on basically almost all our bills, behind on I believe more than 5 house payments, and in serious danger of foreclosure with them telling her that if we don't pay some house payments, that they will be coming like NEXT WEEK TO KICK US OUT!!! I was speechless because when my grandpa passed, we had around $130,000 just in our savings alone and another $70,000 between our checking and business account. She showed me the online banking which showed we are currently around $900 in the hole and the savings is completely gone. When she told me what happened to the money, my jaw hit the floor. Unbeknownst to me, she had been speaking with, who she said is a man that works for Publishers Clearing House, because she has been announced as the winner of $5.9 million dollars. She said this man told her to not tell anyone and for some reason she hadn't told me up until now. She said she has been sending him money and gift cards for months and months that's supposed to pay for all the taxes and fees for her to be able to finally get her lump sum winnings. She still currently doesn't believe me when I've tried to do everything I possibly can to show her and make her understand that it is a scam. I'm currently not letting her answer any phones even though this ahole won't stop calling!!! I also should mention that shortly after my grandpa passed away, my grandma's doctor explained to me that she is showing signs of the early stages of dementia. It's so very heartbreaking because she was always so intelligent and never one to be easily persuaded and definitely not scammed. I now know that if, God willing, can somehow come up with some money to pay the back house payments and get all the bills payed up to date, then I'll definitely have to take over and be responsible for literally everything when it comes to the business, money and the bills and everything. I know right now times are hard for a lot of people and don't even get me started on these gas prices that keep finding it necessary to rise higher and higher!!! It's very hard and extremely embarrassing for me to ask complete strangers to trust me and find it in their hearts to help me in anyway that they can. I didn't even know there were websites like this until a few days ago when a friend of mine suggested it to me. So I have no idea if this is going to work for me or not but I have nothing to lose so here I am putting myself out there and giving it a shot. If you made it this far, I want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my post! If you are someone who is in a position to help, I'm extremely grateful and will literally accept any amount you are able to spare. If you aren't in a position to help, I ask that you please share this with anyone that you might know if you think they would be able to help in any way. Also, I can imagine it must be hard knowing who is being truthful when asking for help and who is just a scammer trying to get free money. So if you would like to help and would like to see pictures of all my mail, like my many bills, behind on house payments and in danger of foreclosure, or anything else, just please go ahead and message me and when you ask for it, I will send it to you. Thank you again for taking the time to read this post and I look forward to hearing from you!

Cashapp: $LaurenAshley2021



God Bless you and yours and many thanks ?
   - Lauren