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Hi there,
I will make an effort here too. 
There is big need to concentrate an amount of money (close to 60.000 in euros). This is the cost for surgery and the cost for the rehabilitation institute for 2 broken spondyls in my spine.
I broke my spine in 2016. I was swinging free when suddenly the rope of the swing broke and I landed on the floor. I broke the T8 and T9 spondyls on my back which luckily did not gave me a permanent handicap.
But I need to do a surgery which will correct my spine after the accident and then receive physiotherapy in order to be able to dance avain, stretch again, even have a child and have a normal life! (I am 32 years old). 
Since 2016 I could not been able to work due to my injury. I was convinced that the damage in my spine will be permanent and that I would never be able to have a normal life. 
In 2018 and after 2 years in bed, I was clinically depressed amd medicated. 
At 2019 after a lot of years of asking for help, a non profitable organisation helped me, by offering me a treatment center pass card. I was then seen by a German neurosurgeon who saod that there are many chances my issue will be fixed, and the cost would be around 100.000 euros. At the beginning I was discouraged and thought I will never make it. But people help the people! So 40.000 were raised from 2020 until today. But it was the highest my country and the people I know could provide me. 
I kindly ask you to give anything you can(even 1 euro counts, if the whole population gave one euro I qould be a billionaire, so do not be shy!) Please help me get my life back! 
I wish health and Love to all you and your families and Merry Christmas! 
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