
Full Version: I Am Retired And This Is How I Make Some Money Online
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I thought this post might help someone. I am 64 years old retired and on a fixed income and make a little money on SwagBucks. I generally make at least $2.00 a day or more by doing surveys, trivia, playing games and watching videos. I make about between $30.00 to 60.00 a month and I don't really try working on it that hard. It takes time and patience to do surveys and I lack both but what I do earn helps. It pays for the cat food for my cat and a few things for me.  They pay you to play games on your cell phone also. I am not very good playing games but have earned some money doing that. The highest amount I got was  $20.00 but they do offer higher paying games. They pay you by PayPal and gift cards of Wal-Mart, Apple, Amazon and more. It is the only little side hustle I can make money on. Hope this helps you as well. 
