
Full Version: Financially struggling and begging for help
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Well hey there! My names Kinsley and I’m 37. I’m a single mother to two boys aged 11 and 10. I work full time as a manager at a restaurant that I’ve been employed with for 13 years. I don’t make a great wage but it has always been enough to support my children and I until recently. Well I guess for the last year it has really been a struggle and I’ve been living paycheque to paycheque just barely getting by. I’ve juggled and gone without to the point I can’t seem to get back on track. I have lost cell phone service and internet/ cable as I couldn’t afford to pay the bills. I borrow my neighbours wifi to have access to internet and to provide some kind of entertainment to my kids. I’m very fortunate that they have been so kind in letting me do that. I have fallen behind on my utility bill. They actually disconnected me last week and I had to pay $500 to have it turned back on. I still currently owe $700. I have fallen behind in rent for two months and have an eviction notice.  With the rising cost of rent I can’t afford to lose my apartment. I can’t afford extras for my kids like new shoes and clothing they both desperately need. I have no family to ask for help and I’m begging for someone to shine some light on me and help me get out of this rut and back on my feet before I lose it all. 

If anyone can be kind enough to help a struggling stranger out it would be much appreciated. You would be saving me and my children.