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Please Help Us Avoid Forclosure
Things have seemed to spiral out of control financially over the last six months and have become dire in the last few weeks.  I am not someone that has ever asked for anything I usually just work harder, however I am drowning and must ask for help. I must catch up on my family’s house payments as I am very close to foreclosure. I am truly begging for help and will offer our prayers for your generosity in return.   I do not have any financial safety net due to a business that went under after our bank was sold and the new bank pulled our lines of credit after 17 years of business.  We are not alone I have met so many small business owners in many different businesses that have met with the same fate. There was a time I didn’t understand how people could be homeless and then one day I got a phone call that changed our financial lives forever. I was told that my bank had been sold and my business loans would not be renewed. No discussion permitted all decided.  It has been a fight ever since. Thank you for understanding our difficulty and for your generosity.