
Full Version: PLEASE HELP!!!!
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Hello, my name is Kam,

I’ve been working really hard to keep my life together and make ends meet. I was working two full time jobs at the start of this year and I lost one job in May that cost me nearly everything. I have been trying to stay on track while also looking for a second form of employment. I found out in August that I was pregnant again which has caused a pause in finding another full time job to go along with the one I already have. I lost my car tonight due to a repossession being sent out 7 days ago. I continued to live in my home through this struggle where me and my 12 yr old son were without water for 3 months. I was able to work up enough money to finally get it back on this month which cause me to fall further behind on my car. I really need help on getting my car back in which I’m sure will be at least 2000.00 and all I have right now is 400 of that before I get paid again on Friday. Any amount of donations will truly be greatful. I am at the end of my rope and I begging anyone that has a heart to please help.

My cash app is $ksh87 
My PayPal is
Please if someone can help I would be so thankful. I have never been in this position before and it hurts when you don’t have help from loved ones that you would help at the drop of a dime.