05-02-2024, 07:57 AM
Hello I'm a disabled veteran(served 8 years in the United States Marine Corps)/ single mom and I'm in need of a vehicle. I'm on a fixed income and only get paid once a month and after spending half my check on bills and the other half on Ubers and lyfts I'm left with nothing to save up. I'm not on any programs nor do I get any assistance of any kind. I pay cash for EVERYTHING. Having a vehicle would be such a a relief for me and allow me to easily make it to all mu doctors appointments, grocery shop, and have a few extra dollars left over after payday. If your reading this and you find it in your heart to help me out I just want to truly thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart. My birthday is June 15th it would be such a a blessing and wonderful birthday gift to be able to purchase a car by then