
Full Version: Need a loan, nowhere else to turn
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I am attempting to raise anywhere between $1000 and $3000 with the $3000 my ideal number.  I have not been able to find any family, friends, banks, cash advances, payday loans or anyone or any company willing to help me.  I have been financially reckless in my past with amassing credit card debt with credit cards being sent to collection and written off, and bank accounts that were over drafted all the time and closed.  I am now responsible financially and have been for years, but my credit rating is poor, and I live paycheck to paycheck and don't make a lot of income leaving me not to be considered a person worthy enough to loan money to as far as banks and online loan companies go including my own bank I have been with for years.  I had a lean couple of months where I had to use my credit cards more and bills went unpaid and now I don't think I can catch up without help.  I had to sell my car to get close to paying off half my debt.  I am a musican and open mic host so I need a vehicle to carry my instruments and sound gear to shows and open mics.  I would use the money to pay off credit cards and pay my bills so I could use my income to pay for rent and buy food allowing me to save some money that would normally be going to pay the bills and credit cards down.  My goal is to get all this stuff paid to get my credit rating up in order to be able to get a car loan so I can buy a car.  That is my story, I hope someone can help, and I am willing to payback the money, it will just take a while since I can only do small amounts if i was to do it weekly.  Thank you.  Michael Brock.