
Full Version: HELP for a distressed family going through dark times!
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Every day feels like a relentless battle. My wife’s schizophrenia is a storm that never ceases, turning our home into a place of chaos and confusion. Balancing her needs with raising our three kids feels like an impossible task. Freelancing adds another layer of stress, with its own set of uncertainties and pressures. There are days when I’m on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion, juggling work deadlines and the constant care my family needs.

Financial instability is always looming, making me anxious about how I’ll provide for my children and ensure my wife gets the treatment she needs. Some nights, the weight of it all is so overwhelming that I can barely breathe. But I have to push through because giving up isn’t an option. My kids need me to be their anchor, and my wife relies on me for support. 

It’s a heavy burden to carry. Any help to sustain this distressed family will be be life saving during these dark days.

Thanks for your time. Thanks in advance for possible help to see us through this dark patch.

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