(Help for me and my kids)

Registration Date: 11-14-2016
Date of Birth: 02-01-1977 (47 years old)
Local Time: 01-18-2025 at 11:34 AM
Status: Offline

babygirlz4u2's Forum Info
Joined: 11-14-2016
Last Visit: 07-19-2024, 09:44 PM
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babygirlz4u2's Contact Details
Email: Send babygirlz4u2 an email.
Additional Info About babygirlz4u2
Location: Texas
Bio: I am a single mom of 2 little girls and I need to get out of this town to get away from the ex.
My ex husband has slowly but surely, been controlling me, Within the first year of our relationship, I got pregnant and he seemed like he suddenly changed.. He checked my phone all the time, he stopped me going out with friends, or even to the shops, he would perv at girls and tell me
he'd kill me if I ever left him.
He actually stopped abusing me after I got pregnant again with our 2nd child. Months later, he abused me again... How can someone shut off and on just like that? Of course, anyone who's been in an abusive relationship knows it not like this all the time, there were some times when he'd be so sweet. That was the last time, after that happened he expected us to go back to normal like usual, and he didn't believe me when I told him I was leaving him for good. I hid out at a friends home. He's furious that he doesn't have someone to control and treat me like a punching bag anymore. I decided I didn't want my babies to grow up in this so I chose to live in my van. The only thing he loved about me, was the fact I allowed him to do this to me, he changed me so much, he clearly wasn't in love with me. Our kids saw so much and they are heart broken. They are afraid of him and so am I. If anyone can help me move out of this town with little money to just find a home or apartment so I can find a job and able to just walk out without looking over our shoulders wondering if he is going to pop up and be able to also take the girls out to places. We are tired of hiding on someone else's couch. We need to get our own place and start over and feel safe.
Please help.
My paypal is @queennova1617
My cash app is $NOVAandQueen
Sex: Female