please help me raise £22,000 to get dental implants - Printable Version

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please help me raise £22,000 to get dental implants - rickster78 - 02-06-2017

hello and thank you for taking the time to read my fund raiser,

so whats it all about you ask, well my names Richard im 44 and live in the UK and would hopefully like to try and raise the funds to have dental implants done something which would be a dream come true for me.

so why am i asking for your help well basically im asking for your help as i have no were else to turn ive emailed over a hundred dentists here in the uk  and had around five reply's out of the 100 i emailed each with the same "sorry we cant offer that" which is totally soul destroying i am genuine i even emailed pictures to show why i needed the help but still nothing, just the same old answer. so about me well as mentioned above im 44IMG_0444.JPG live in the UK and suffer with severe agoraphobia and depression, the agoraphobia was brought on by being vicisoulsy assaulted and having my door kicked in and was beaten bloody by a so called friend who also smashed a bottle over my head which left me with 7 stitches in the top of my head, plus with a broken nose and black and blue eyes which left me with a stutter for six months and blind in my right eye, i have always suffered with depression even from a younger age due to being abused mentally and physically by a sick and twisted mother who liked to accuse me of a drug habit i never had, to the point i took a overdose of 50 paracetamol when i was 13 and tried to kill myself, and honestly i think god must of had his hand on me cause i should of died but spent a day riding around on buses being sick green and white frothy sick, i was also abused as a child by a Sunday school teacher who i thought i could trust, ive sufferd now with agoraphobia since 1999 which just grew worse and worse to the point im at now were i am unable to leave my flat at all aswel as depression all of my life, which is being made even worse by the fact of my dental health over the years ive tried as hard as i can to look after my teeth brushed and flossed them everyday but to no avail my dental health has just grown worse and worse to the point i just feel like taking a overdose and have got to the point i have taken all of the mirrors down in my flat, i have cut all social ties with friends i no longer open my door to anyone i just cant face anybody as my teeth have become so disgusting i cant bear the thought of any one seeing me  this in turn is making my agoraphobia even worse making me feel even more secluded and making me feel even more like not leaving my flat plus is making my depression even worse making me constantly break down and cry feel even worse about myself than i already do to the point i am at now the only person i see is my uncle who cares for me and comes in on a daily basis apart from that i have blocked all social contact i no longer own a mobile phone i dont have a Facebook account, i know your probably thinking ohh just go and get dentures and be done with it, but you see its not that easy i wouldn't be able to cope with wearing dentures im self conscious about myself enough as it is already plus the fact it would just make my depression even worse and make me not want to leave my flat even more as i would just be to self conscious plus would make me feel even more depressed and down and feeling like what is the point anymore i know its easy for some people to go this route but i just wouldn't be able to cope or face being stuck with dentures and it would just make my depression and agoraphobia even worse and just make me feel even worse about myself than i already do plus make me even more self conscious about myself than i already am so im basically asking out of the kindness of your heart if you could please help me raise the money to get dental implants done i know it is a lot to ask as they can be very expensive and we are all struggling and going through hard times, but all im asking is for you to help so i can have my happiness back to help me with my depression to help me through my agoraphobia and get me socializing with friends again help me to try and get over my agoraphobia and going out my flat again and mixing with friends and relatives who i haven't seen since, the last time i left my flat which was in 2008 so if you can help you would be saving me as i have no life the same four walls day in day out so please if you can no matter how small all donations will help bring me back some happiness. 

thank you and god bless.


ps im not just asking for the money if any dentists out there see this and would be willing to donate the work please get in contact, i know its a awful lot to ask for but it will help bring back my life and happiness.