03-10-2019, 04:01 AM
Hi! Please help me pay my current rent. I'm about to be homeless next week. I managed to persuade my landlord to pay the first week of the rent first and promised him to pay the rest in full payment. I managed to pawn some of my stuff and persuade some people to make me do one time work stuff to cover last week's rent, but now I have nothing else to pawn and nobody want to give me work again. I really need your help, unless I'll be homeless..
I can receive money through paypal you can click on this paypal link or copy paste this onto your browser paypal.me/imanimr
Please I really need your help, any amount of money can be used to persuade my landlord atleast to delay the eviction process. Thank you!
I can receive money through paypal you can click on this paypal link or copy paste this onto your browser paypal.me/imanimr
Please I really need your help, any amount of money can be used to persuade my landlord atleast to delay the eviction process. Thank you!