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About to lose our house
I came across this site after desperately searching for a way to help our debt situation. We have gotten very far behind on our bills, especially our house payments. My husband works two jobs to take care of our children and myself. Due to medical issues, I cannot work. It's been a very rough year for our family and we have tried everything we can to get caught up including yard sales, working overtime, collecting cans, you name it. We can't get approved for loans, which is probably best and our families cannot help. We aren't an overly popular family that can post a Gofundme page on social media and get tons of shares. I actually tried making a GoFundMe a few months ago and not a single person donated or shared the post. We are stressed out and physically and mentally tired. My kids don't need to see me cry anymore.  Our house payments are almost 700 a month and we are 3 months behind. Please help us keep our house!

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