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Homeless and trying to stay out of the cold
Hello, and thank you for reading and/or considering my post. I stumbled across this site, and thought, ‘why not give it a shot?’ My name is Katherine, and due to unforeseen circumstances…I’m homeless. A friend of mine has graciously let me use of their holiday camper, however with colder months up and coming I find myself more aware of my current accommodation than ever. I have been putting in efforts to ready this RV for winter with insulation and what have you, but the truth is… I’m not sure how warm I really can be in reality. I do have an income however, it is small. Sadly, all the costs of starting up new are far beyond my reach. I also live in a small town, which makes any options very limited to me as well. Being that I’m an adult orphan leaves me pretty strapped too, to say the least. So… that’s kinda my story, in a nutshell and my reason for reaching out in this way. I’m not sure how successful I may be in this, but I absolutely would be ever so grateful and appreciative of any help and support extended to me. Again, I wanna thank you for taking the time. Here’s to hopes of many blessings to come for us all. Take good care. Goodbye for now.

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