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Unemployed and the kitties are getting hungry
Unfortunately, I lost my job back in November.  I knew it would be difficult to find something during the holiday season and I was right.  It is just now that I've been interviewing but so far no new job.  I hope that changes soon and I'm pretty optimistic that it will.  Unfortunately, I am already behind on all of my bills and with the new month starting in a few days, I know I can't pay my rent, phone, electricity - or at least will have to become creative with my weekly unemployment payment and 'rob Peter to pay Paul' sort of thing.  But there is not money for rent and I still need money for gas so I can go on interviews.  And then there's the cats (2 of them) who need kitty litter and food.  I can always go without if I need to but I can't do that to my furbabies.  

The worse feeling in the world is to have to ask strangers for money.  I never thought I would be 'here' - but here I am.  I am positive that this will be a temporary situation but something that I need to figure out until I can find a job.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you if you are able to help.  


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