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Need help for transportation and funds for family
Hello my name is Taylor. I am 32 years old and have 3 under age children. I have made some bad choices in my past. My 3 children where taken into cps custody about 8 months ago. I am now 6 months clean. I was resontly kicked out of my out patient treatment program due to the fact I was unable to get to class or was late past the 15 minutes grace time to be let into the class room. My year is almost up and my children need to be placed either with family or they will be placed up for adoption. My aunt is the only person willing to take all 3 children but lives in a rv and needs a bigger place to accommodate the children and satisfy cps standards. At this point I would be willing to give up every thing I have and live in a tent to get them with family untill .I have completed my services. I am hoping and praying that those who read this find it in their hearts to contribute to my cause. Thank you so much in advance

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