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New to being a single mom.
I never thought I'd be in the position that I'm in. It's very difficult and also embarrassing, but I have to keep my head up and do everything in my power to push forward. It's not just about me anymore, I have little one constantly watching my every move asking me if I'm alright, if we're going to make it and my favorite don't worry mommy you'll fix it. She's only 5 so it's hard to explain what's going on. I've tried sheltering her as long as I could, but she sees what her mommy's going through. It's 1heart braking and I never thought I have to ask for help but here I am. I just left a 10 year relationship. Literally depended on him for everything. He has a great job to support literally anyone he wants to. We're just not the ones for him. He made that perfectly clear. I recently moved in with a friend. I agreed to pull my own weight and promised her she wouldn't spend a dime on me and my little one. I have rent, water and electric I have to pay my part on plus my cars insurance. Now I'm looking at school fees, winter clothes, Christmas. My list keeps adding more and more things to it. I feel like I'm in way over my head. I have a job that I can't start till the first of the new year. It's a very good paying job working with my friend's mother being an assistant for her partner at a law firm I was told. I will be going in for an interview soon so I'll know for sure! So things will be looking up eventually. I just need a little help. It's getting cold so I really need to get winter clothes. I left without literally anything but the clothes we were wearing and her booksack with a few uniforms. I really hate to ask, I'm just scared how her Christmas will turn out. Please, anything would help. If you could only spread the word that's fine. Or pass out my PayPal link that's fine too. But any little bit would help!
Hi, If I could I would help you. But I just want to write a short note to support you. I am in the similar situation and I can understand how it could be hard. I hope that someone help you. I will also post to ask for help. I know how you feel. Be strong!

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