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Help Us Avoid Being Homeless
Hello my name is Frances and I reside in Houston, Texas. I live with my daughter and beautiful felines. My journey started back in March of this year because, through God's grace and mercy, He allowed me to see another day. I'm a hard worker single mom and be it that I'm always trying to take care of my daughter and myself, I don't always take care of myself and God reminded me of this on 03/23 when I was hospitalized with pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs) and dvt (blood clot in my leg). I was hospitalized for a week but while I did have short term disability from my employer, the waiting period to receive benefits was 14 days; I was released to return back to work in 12 days. Therefore I didn't receive any money while i was out sick. I'm truly blessed to be alive and grateful for another chance at life. I have returned to work, but because of doctors appointments (l have to go weekly) which resulted in missed work, I've not been able to pay all my rent, which has brought me to need help to avoid eviction. My leasing office has been gracious through God's blessings and allowed us to stay as long as possible and with minimal payments, but the management company is moving forward with eviction. UPDATE: EVICTION COURT HAPPENED ON JUNE 19TH, BUT THE JUDGE GRANTED MY APPEAL ON JUNE 29TH, BUT I HAVE UNTIL JULY 5TH TO PAY 750.00 TO AVOID HAVING THE CONSTABLE TO MOVE US OUT. God's Word said "a closed mouth doesn't get fed", which is why I'm reaching out now. The money raised will go for the court. I pray that you find it in your heart to help us and know that God is still in control. Thank you in advance for reading my story and may God continue to bless you always.

Here is my PayPal link:

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